Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Trying Hard Not To Avoid Burnout

I haven't posted much of substance recently because...well..I've been really busy and I can't think of anything to write about! I have things pretty well handled (for me) and I usually only get sparks of inspiration when things are going to crap or when I can't seem to have all of my balls that I typically keep in the air, stay in a circular motion.

So maybe I will discuss what I have been doing that has made a serious difference in how I approach my career and my home life.


I have to work out to feel great. I hate starting back up at the gym because it hurts and it sucks and I just can't stand it. But then, I get in a groove and start trying new things, upping my difficulty and levels of resistance, and really getting into the reason why I need to work out.

See...when I work out, I lose track of everything and sort through the bullshit and yellow tape from school. I go through conversations with students where I felt frustrated and say all the things I wanted to say in that moment in my head. I yell at them and sometimes cuss them out depending on how irritated I am with them, but I need to do that because I have to get it out somewhere. I found that if I keep it in, it goes onto my husband or my kids and that can't happen. BUT it also can't happen on the students.

When I have my headphones in, I listen to raunchy, rhythmic rap music. I know, I know, completely weird to have a 30-something High School English teacher listen to popular rap music and I admit, it is a little different, but I love it and it keeps me going with the rhythm and sense of speed. The faster the song, the faster I pump my legs or go through my sets. It gets me through and I love it.

Then, right after my workout, I feel like it all came out...through my legs, my arms, my abs. I enjoy the burn and the feeling like I left everything out on the (I almost said field...) at the gym makes me a clearer and better person at home and in the classroom. I have always been an athlete, playing softball through high school with an offer for college level playing, but I couldn't take advantage due to a serious injury in my ankle. I get how an athlete needs to train and I love the feeling of achieving a difficult skill. It is what makes me feel accomplished and triumphant. I apply that in all facets of my life, but right now, I am applying this determination and athletic resiliency to figuring out a way to physically working through frustration, irritation, problems, issues, and of course, drama...

I promise to be back soon with some posts with substance and interesting experiences, but right now, exercise is doing that for me!! = )

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